Thursday, September 13, 2007

Little devil.... can call her little devil...she loves to trouble Shaurya....will pick up his toys!!! Even when they have been given seperate toys...she would leave hers and takes Shaurya's....

It's fun to see them fighting...yet they love each other so much....

She has started to stand now...with the help of course!!! And crawls everywhere she feels she is always following her big bro!!!

Early Achievements

Shaurya joined school on 03 July'07... for two days when we went with him...he enjoyed himself...but after that when he started going on his own...he had a major seperation anxiety which made him cry everytime he had to go to school....he is fine now....enjoys himself!!!!

He got two certificates from the school...the first one was "LILLTLE EINSTEIN"- the most intelligent child of the class...and the second one "MOST LOVABLE CHILD" of the class....

God bless!!! And touch wood!!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Fun time together

Shaurya and Prisha with their cousins...they love to be with at our place are best friends....Shaurya calls his cousin Shiva "bhow"....and his cousin sister muskkan...."Muttu Didi...

His best friend is Shyambhav....they love to be with each other....

I am sure Prisha will find her best friend soon....she gets very excited when she meets her cousin Arshia!!!

Friday, September 07, 2007

our little girl....

We always wanted to have a girl....after shaurya to complete our family....

She is endearing, delightful and very sweet...has tremendous patience!!!

Shaurya's Play School

Shaurya has started his play school at Mother's pride.... Initially he had a seperation anxiety which made him very uncomfortable in school but now he enjoys and have started talking about his school and friends too...

He often talks about his friends.....Nischay, Pratham, Zara, Suhani and Lakhmi whom he met just once and he remembers her till now....

He has been awarded with a certificate of "most Intelligent child" and 'Most loving child" from the school.... and we are so proud of him!!!

Check out his independence day photograph.....

Our new member....

Shaurya is now a big brother.... we were blessed with a baby girl on 11-jan-2007....we named her Prisha and Shaurya calls her Pari...they both adore each other...she is 7 months now and dots heavily on Shaurya....

He does acts like a big to hold her and scold her too...and she understands everything he does....

It's blissful to see how they click and share such wonderful relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!