Thursday, April 13, 2006

Our Trip to Darjeeling

We went to Kalimpong/Darjeeling in Mar'05...we all enjoyed and so did Shaurya...he made lot of friends in the train!!!

Few months old Shaurya

Our baby...when he was only Two months....

At nine months.....

Shaurya adores Noddy and has two at he can pick up and move around in the house and the other is Bigger than him!!!!

he loves to write with pens and to paint with all kind of colours and loves to draw Star, moon, umbrella, shoes, tree, hut...and many more things...he has scribbled all over our room's wall!

The words Shaurya uses

He calls Himself : Toy
Sugar: Neeya
Milk: Babu
Sunglasses: Nandat
Ball: Munh
Ice Cream: Um
Motorbike: Motike
Umbrella: Umba

He loves Noddy and all the characters in it:

He calls Mr. Plod: Ponpu
Martha Monkey: Mamuti
Goby& Sly: Thoby Sy
Jumbo: Mambo
Clockwork clown: pppp Pown
Dinah Doll: Cheese
Bouncing Balls: bouy ball